
What is Online Coaching?

/ 15 January 2018

Online Coaching with Motus means you can access all of the benefits of our in-person personal training and lifestyle coaching services...except us being there in person!

The upside is that it's much more flexible in terms of timings (it can be very difficult to get an in-person appointment with a trainer at a time you want!), completely flexible with location (many of our clients travel extensively so we can still catch up with them and help them stay on track) and the level of investment.

You get all the same professionally designed, individually-tailored exercise programmes and nutrition and lifestyle coaching all managed through our specialist app, but most importantly you have real accountability; someone looking out for you and supporting you as you go through the process of change.

Unlike many of the Online Coaching and Online Personal Training websites that have sprung up over the last few years, our service means you still benefit from interaction and a relationship with a real person.  

We were adamant this would be the case because people care; automated apps and websites don't!

Our methods have been developed through years and years of experience with in-person training and coaching so you can be sure they work.

It involves a simple, step-by-step process to get you to where you want to be, whether your goal is weight loss, having more energy or a specific fitness goal.

To find out more about the package options, please click here

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